Some words of wisdom.

I just returned from a month sabbatical in India. I left my computer, phone, children, husband, business and all other cares behind. There were moments of doubt leading up to the trip as to whether it was the right thing. I am very directly involved in being a parent and in running my business (a lot of overlap as Happy Girl is truly my 3rd child). I wasn't sure if it was too selfish of me to leave both for so long and I was not sure what consequences I would return to. I am happy to report that everyone did great with out me and although I was missed, it didn't fall apart without me. It was actually perfect timing. Life can be so intense that it is great to take a true break for reflection and wisdom and I am sure that I have returned a better wife, mother and worker due to my time away (once I get over my jet lag!!!!).
I had an amazing time taking walks, boat rides and rickshaw rides. I ate the most delicious food I have ever had and actually gained weight! I gained a lot of inspiration from taking classes. I received peace from visiting ancient temples and singing and dances. I even had a lot of fun spending a day shopping in New Delhi for all the latest fashions. It was a perfect mix. While there I discovered that my word for this year is going to be "deliberate". I meditated on this word and on bringing deliberate actions into my life. Last years meditation was my year to say "no" and now I further that with deliberate actions and ideas for 2016. If you are deliberate then you have the time to deliberate. Making decisions with a thorough consideration, weighing the consequences and staying focused and determined on the goals. This takes discipline and intention. I am ready for it!
Pictured below: 1. A funny sign that I wish was posted whenever I was veering from my path. 2. A local sadu who discovered the coziness and fashion of micro fleece. 3. I was trying to explain to our driver that riding on the back bumper was just not allowed in my country! 4. A desire tree where people tie on a wish and when it falls off it comes true. What is your desire? 5. A huge feast cooked in an outdoor kitchen on the dirt floor (none of us got sick!). 6. a beautiful larger than life temple I visited in Mayapur.