Anytime it is the 14th annual anything you know it is going to be a good time! This Saturday is our 14th annual apple pressing party. It all started when we lived in Aromas near an abandoned apple orchard that the entire town enjoyed harvesting from. The apples were all unique varieties and had a wonderfully complex flavor. We knew it was a good excuse for a party. And every year since then, pressing apples has been a good excuse for a party. It is really fun to get together and do work that all ages can contribute to. We feel grateful that we have a location that allows us to spill outside onto the sidewalk and party down pressing cider.
Happy Girl will be serving all sorts of goods related to apples that day and you will be able to purchase fresh cider by the quart. This cider is wonderful for making shrubs and hard cider and for drinking fresh. It is the true taste of autumn! Please come and enjoy the party with us!
It is also our 6th year anniversary for opening the cafe!
I love this picture of our carpenter Ben (who is now married to our original Baker Stephanie and they now have a son together). The expression on his face is how we all felt many times during the build out. This night was when we discovered we built one counter too high and needed to cut it down. He handled everything with such grace and skill. We were very lucky to have a solid team of angels working on the build out of the cafe. I learned so much! It is amazing to think of how much has changed in just 6 years....the friendships that have developed with people we now feel like we have known "forever". People have been married, had babies and people have passed on. It is just amazing to think of how much love and community has been shared inside of these walls since we opened 6 years ago. I look at the photos of the grand opening party and recognize many faces who have become regulars, employees and supporters. It has been such a pleasure running this little cafe and production facility for my entire family. It has really been magical. Please come celebrate with us this Saturday! We want to thank you personally for all of the good times and look forward to more to come! Free pickles all day and other treats too! Please join us.